You can select this option in the System Info menu. This is listed as a wav option since a 44100 wav file is required by TLC. The other wav options do apply (output channels, normalize, pre-silence), but not the cartchunk options, as the cartchunk cannot be included in the scotchunk file.
i do however grab some info from the ambos cartchunk for use in the scotchunk, including program name. i use the airdate for the scotchunk start date, and set the enddate to forever.
Your local filenames, see Renaming files, should be of the form SPxxxx which will allow me to put the xxxx in the scotchunk as the cut number. If not, the scotchunk will have 9999 as the cut number.
For the morbidly curious, i do a dump of the scotchunk in the UI's bottom (debug) window after i add it, so you can see exactly what it wrote.