Back to Contents | Rev 3/6/2014 for 018u6 |
The UI will monitor the Amb-OS RSS feed, which gives updates about programs and other important information. In the Tools menu, select RSS feed. A separate window will appear. You can re-size or move it around the desktop and it will remember is size and position.
It will check the Amb-OS RSS feed at and display the message times and titles. It will also show whether it is an Alert (A) or News item (N). You might also see a Missing-content (M) message indicating that a program is missing its content.
If you click on an item it will show the description in the lower window. You can also click Open item's web page to see the complete item in your browser. This enters you into the RSS web site, where you can see all other items, the archives, etc.
Each time the RSS window is opened, it will check the RSS site for new items. It will also check every 15 minutes as long as the RSS window is open. You can adjust the refresh wait time in the Refresh interval menu. Options range from Off to 60 minutes. You can also Refresh now or Rebuild data to rebuild the rss data from scratch in case it gets strange. Near the top of the window it shows the status of the page and the last time the feed was checked.
The message times are currently shown as GMT, but i hope to convert them to your local time sometime soon.