Amb-OS Program Listing

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Sorted by Program name   |   Sort by Amb-OS Designator   |   Updated 10/21/2024 (see notes at bottom)   |   Download in CSV format

Amb-OS DesigProgram NameRuntimeMinistryQueuedAir days
TSCH_ACN1A Call to the Nation (Weekly)24:55Times Square Church07:17 6sun
TSCH_ACP1A Call to the Nation PROMO00:30Times Square Church07:00 6sun
HARV_HAC5A Harvest America Moment (CCM)01:00Harvest Ministries16:02 4mon-fri
HARV_HAI5A Harvest America Moment (INSP)01:00Harvest Ministries16:00 4mon-fri
DTJJ_MWR5A Minute with Rabbi01:00Discovering the Jewish Jesus04:42 3mon-fri
JAFX_AMJ5A Moment with Joni01:00Joni and Friends18:30 57 days
MTAM_MFA5A Moment For America02:00Mission to America21:00 4mon-fri
HARV_ANB1A New Beginning-Weekend25:00Harvest Ministries04:00 3sat
HARV_ANB5A New Beginning-CM25:00Harvest Ministries05:00 3mon-fri
HARV_ANB5A New Beginning-NC25:00Harvest Ministries05:10 3mon-fri
HARV_ANPWA New Beginning-Weekly Promo00:30Harvest Ministries04:00 4mon
RHMI_WWY5A Word With You04:30Ron Hutchcraft Ministries02:00 3mon-fri
ABDE_ABM5Abide Minute01:00Abide22:01 4mon-fri
FOTF_ODP1Adventures in Odyssey Weekend Promo00:30Focus on the Family05:00 5sat
FOTF_ODP5Adventures in Odyssey Daily Promo00:30Focus on the Family01:00 3mon-fri
FOTF_ODY1Adventures in Odyssey Weekend (st)25:30Focus on the Family05:00 3sat
FOTF_ODY1Adventures in Odyssey Weekend (st) CANADA25:30Focus on the Family05:00 3sat
FOTF_ODY1_03ptAdventures in Odyssey Weekend (st) (3 Parts)25:30Focus on the Family05:04 3sat
FOTF_ODY5Adventures in Odyssey Daily (st)25:30Focus on the Family01:01 3mon-fri
FOTF_ODY5Adventures in Odyssey Daily (st) CANADA25:30Focus on the Family01:01 3mon-fri
FOTF_ODY5_03ptAdventures in Odyssey Daily (st) (3 Parts)25:30Focus on the Family01:10 3mon-fri
INTD_INT1Allen Jackson Ministries Weekend26:00Allen Jackson Ministries02:31 3sun
INTD_INT5Allen Jackson Ministries Daily (formerly Intend)26:00Allen Jackson Ministries02:31 3mon-fri
INTD_ISA1Allen Jackson Ministries Saturday26:00Allen Jackson Ministries21:00 4sat
AFRN_AFN5American Family News04:30American Family News05:38 0mon-fri
AFRN_SPT1_04ptAmerican Family News - Weekly Spots00:30American Family News21:00 4mon
AFRN_WR11American Family News - The Middle East Report04:30American Family News21:00 1sat
AFRN_WR21American Family News - The Middle East Report04:30American Family News21:00 1sat
HRMX_ANC5Anchor Today01:00Haven Ministries14:00 3mon-fri
AIGM_AKH5Answers with Ken Ham01:00Answers in Genesis18:54 4mon-fri
FOTF_AEO1_03ptAventuras en Odesia (Odyssey Spanish)25:30Focus on the Family00:11 4sat
FOTF_AOP1Aventuras en Odesia promo (Odyssey Spanish)00:13Focus on the Family00:11 4sat
ROHX_ANC5Aviva Nuestros Corazones (ROH)28:00Revive our Hearts15:06 3mon-fri
ROHX_ANP5Aviva Nuestros Corazones Promo (ROH)00:30Revive our Hearts15:00 3mon-fri
ICRM_BTG5Back to Genesis Daily01:00Institute for Creation Research18:31 3mon-fri
ICRM_BTGWBack to Genesis Weekly Promo00:30Institute for Creation Research18:31 5sat
BAOX_BAOWBecoming An Orphan02:00Becoming an Orphan22:00 5mon
RENW_BPR5Bible Principles Daily 02:00Renewal Radio20:00 4mon-fri
BGEA_BGM5Billy Graham Minute01:00Billy Graham Evangelical Assn16:02 5mon-fri
BGEA_BGM5Billy Graham Minute CANADA01:00Billy Graham Evangelical Assn16:00 3mon-fri
BGEA_BGRPBilly Graham Radio Special + Promo00:30Billy Graham Evangelical Assn21:00 11irregular
BGEA_BGRSBilly Graham Radio Special + Promo26:00Billy Graham Evangelical Assn21:00 11irregular
BSMJ_BSM5Bold Steps Minute01:00Bold Steps13:18 3mon-fri
BSMJ_BSP1Bold Steps Weekend Promo00:30Bold Steps22:00 1sat
BSMJ_BSP5Bold Steps Daily Promo00:30Bold Steps13:18 3mon-fri
BSMJ_BST1Bold Steps Weekend26:00Bold Steps13:18 3sat
BSMJ_BST5Bold Steps Daily26:00Bold Steps13:18 3mon-fri
BSMJ_BST5Bold Steps Daily Custom26:00Bold Steps13:18 3mon-fri
FOTF_BND1Boundless Canada Weekly + Promo26:00Focus on the Family15:38 2sat
FOTF_BND1Boundless Weekly + Promo26:00Focus on the Family15:30 2sat
FOTF_BNP1Boundless Canada Weekly + Promo00:30Focus on the Family11:00 5sat
FOTF_BNP1Boundless Weekly + Promo00:30Focus on the Family11:00 5sat
TCCX_BPP1BreakPoint This Week Promo TCC00:30The Colson Center20:20 8sat
TCCX_BPT1BreakPoint This Week TCC25:55The Colson Center15:00 1sat
TCCX_BPT5BreakPoint Daily TCC03:55The Colson Center20:20 1mon-fri
BRNK_BFA1Brinkman Adventures Weekly25:55Brinkman Family Ministry08:21 6sat
CPMX_CPM1Chosen People Ministries Weekend25:00Chosen People Ministries22:04 4sat
CPMX_CPM5Chosen People Ministries01:00Chosen People Ministries22:03 4mon-fri
APRT_CIAPChristmas in America Special + Promo00:30American Policy Roundtable07:00 3irregular
APRT_CIASChristmas in America Special + Promo57:00American Policy Roundtable07:00 2irregular
LAMB_CIP1Christ In Prophecy Weekend25:00Lamb and Lion Ministries21:00 3sat
LAMB_CIP5Christ In Prophecy01:00Lamb and Lion Ministries21:00 4mon-fri
RHMI_CHMSChristmas Moments with Ron Hutchcraft01:00Ron Hutchcraft Ministries22:00 5irregular
CSMD_CSMWClassic State of Mind (Weekly)04:00Classic State of Mind02:55 3mon
FOTF_PISWConectados (Plugged in Spanish)01:00Focus on the Family18:57 1fri
CRMS_CRM5Creation Moments02:00Creation Moments05:52 3mon-fri
AGLX_DLD5Daily Light for Daily Living Daily01:00Angel Ministries18:32 5mon-fri
DHMX_DHP5Daily Hope with Rick Warren 25:00Daily Hope Ministries22:08 4mon-fri
DHMX_DMN5Daily Hope Program Promo 3000:30Daily Hope Ministries22:00 4mon-fri
DFVX_DFV1Destined for Victory Weekend25:00Destined for Victory05:36 3sat
DFVX_DFV5Destined for Victory Daily25:00Destined for Victory07:20 3mon-fri
DFVX_DFV5Destined for Victory Daily KTIS25:00Destined for Victory07:20 3mon-fri
HFBC_DMM5Difference Maker Moments01:00Houston's First Baptist Church22:02 4mon-fri
ODBM_DTPWDiscover the Word Promo00:30Our Daily Bread09:15 3sun
ODBM_DTW5Discover the Word (stereo)14:30Our Daily Bread09:12 3mon-fri
KFKM_DGL1Down Gilead Lane24:30Keys for Kids22:02 4sat
KFKM_DGLPDown Gilead Lane Weekly Promo00:30Keys for Kids21:00 2mon
LWFM_LWS1El Amor Que Vale (LWF) Weekend25:00Love Worth Finding07:05 3sat
LWFM_LWS5El Amor Que Vale (LWF) Daily25:00Love Worth Finding07:01 3mon-fri
ITM__ITS5En Contacto (In Touch) Daily24:30In Touch00:45 3mon-fri
ETTX_ETP1Encounter the Truth Weekend Promo00:30Encounter the Truth22:00 4sat
ETTX_ETP5Encounter the Truth Daily Promo00:30Encounter the Truth22:00 4mon-fri
ETTX_ETT1Encounter the Truth Weekend25:00Encounter the Truth21:00 4sat
ETTX_ETT5Encounter the Truth25:00Encounter the Truth21:13 4mon-fri
GDLS_ENCWEncouraging Words01:00Guidelines Intl Ministries01:00 3mon
AMVA_EDR1End of Day Report with Gary Bauer Weekend02:00American Values16:55 1sat
AMVA_EDR5End of Day Report with Gary Bauer02:00American Values14:59 0mon-fri
FOTF_EAF5Enfoque a la Familia14:30Focus on the Family16:30 3mon-fri
FOTF_ECM5Enfoque 60-sec comentario01:00Focus on the Family06:30 3mon-fri
ETSR_ETS1Equipping the Saints Radio Weekend26:00Equipping the Saints12:47 3sat
ETSR_ETS5Equipping the Saints Radio26:00Equipping the Saints12:47 3mon-fri
EVDM_EDM5Everyday Matters with Debbie Griffith01:00Everyday Matters03:18 3mon-fri
TWRM_EMW5Every Man A Warrior01:00TWR18:18 3mon-fri
FEBC_TDY5FEBC Today02:00FEBC13:00 3mon-fri
FAFN_FAF1Faith and Finance Weekend25:00Faith and Finance14:20 2sat
FAFN_FAF5Faith and Finance Daily25:00Faith and Finance03:20 3mon-fri
FAFN_FFM5Faith and Finance Minute01:00Faith and Finance03:21 3mon-fri
LIBC_FAF5Faith and Freedom11:00Liberty Counsel15:56 1mon-fri
FAMX_FLB5FamilyLife Blended01:00Family Life Today11:25 4mon-fri
FAMX_FLP1FamilyLife This Week PROMO00:30Family Life Today12:00 6sat
FAMX_FLP5FamilyLife Daily PROMO 00:30Family Life Today06:00 3mon-fri
FAMX_FLPWFamilyLife Daily Weekly Overview Promo00:30Family Life Today18:33 4mon
FAMX_FLT5FamilyLife Daily Broadcast24:55Family Life Today12:00 1mon-fri
FAMX_FLW1FamilyLife This Week24:55Family Life Today02:00 3sat
SAMM_FHC5Family Health Checkup01:00Samaritan Ministries21:16 4mon-fri
WSCX_FPN1First Person with Wayne Shepherd Weekly24:00Wayne Shepherd Com21:07 5sat
WSCX_FPNPFirst Person Promo00:30Wayne Shepherd Com21:00 7sat
FPMX_FPM5Focal Point25:00Focal Point Ministry22:28 4mon-fri
FPMX_FPP5Focal Point Promos00:30Focal Point Ministry22:27 4mon-fri
FPMX_FPW1Focal Point Weekend25:00Focal Point Ministry22:30 4sat
FOTF_DFM5Focus on the Family Minute01:00Focus on the Family07:00 3mon-fri
FOTF_DFM5Focus on the Family Minute Canada01:00Focus on the Family07:00 3mon-fri
FOTF_FOF1Focus Weekend CM55:00Focus on the Family08:38 2sat
FOTF_FOF1Focus Weekend Canada CM57:00Focus on the Family14:32 2sat
FOTF_FOF1Focus Weekend NC55:00Focus on the Family08:30 2sat
FOTF_FOF1_04ptFocus Weekend CM (4 Parts)56:30Focus on the Family07:30 2sat
FOTF_FOF1_04ptFocus Weekend NC (4 Parts)56:30Focus on the Family07:22 2sat
FOTF_FOF5Focus on the Family Daily CM28:30Focus on the Family23:01 1mon-fri
FOTF_FOF5Focus on the Family Daily Canada28:30Focus on the Family23:14 1mon-fri
FOTF_FOF5Focus on the Family Daily Canada CM28:30Focus on the Family23:14 1mon-fri
FOTF_FOF5Focus on the Family Daily Canada NC28:30Focus on the Family23:14 1mon-fri
FOTF_FOF5Focus on the Family Daily Custom C/NC28:30Focus on the Family23:01 1mon-fri
FOTF_FOF5Focus on the Family Daily Custom CM28:30Focus on the Family23:01 1mon-fri
FOTF_FOF5Focus on the Family Daily Custom NC28:30Focus on the Family23:01 1mon-fri
FOTF_FOF5Focus on the Family Daily NC28:30Focus on the Family23:01 1mon-fri
FOTF_FOP1Focus Weekend CANA Promo00:30Focus on the Family14:20 2sat
FOTF_FOP1Focus Weekend Promo00:30Focus on the Family08:29 2sat
FOTF_FOP5Focus on the Family Daily Canada Promo00:30Focus on the Family23:00 2mon-fri
FOTF_FOP5Focus on the Family Daily Promo00:30Focus on the Family23:00 2mon-fri
FOTF_GEPW_10ptFocus Generic Weekly Promos00:00Focus on the Family16:00 3mon
FOTF_W301_02ptFocus Weekend 30min CM (2 parts)27:30Focus on the Family01:00 2sat
FOTF_W301_02ptFocus Weekend 30min NC (2 parts)27:30Focus on the Family01:05 2sat
TWRM_FTS5Footsteps Daily02:00TWR18:17 3mon-fri
LIBC_FCL5Freedom's Call01:00Liberty Counsel15:56 1mon-fri
CWKS_FSH7Fresh with Berni Dymet02:30Christianityworks22:58 47 days
FOIM_FOI1Friends of Israel + News Feature Weekly25:00Friends of Israel22:05 2sat
FOIM_FOP1Friends of Israel Promo00:30Friends of Israel22:00 4sat
FOIM_NWS1Friends of Israel + News Feature Weekly01:00Friends of Israel22:00 2sat
FHHM_FHH1From His Heart Weekly25:00From His Heart Ministries23:47 4sat
FHHM_FHH5From His Heart Daily25:00From His Heart Ministries23:45 4mon-fri
FHHM_FHPWFrom His Heart Promo00:30From His Heart Ministries23:46 4mon
ISRL_FLJ5Frontline Jerusalem01:00Israel Always22:00 4mon-fri
GFAX_GFA5GFA Minute01:00GFA World21:00 4mon-fri
GTYX_BQA5GTY Bible Q&A02:00Grace to You10:33 3mon-fri
GTBE_GBE5Gateways to Better Education01:00Gateways to Better Education01:37 3mon-fri
DRMX_GSM5Genesis Science Minute01:00David Rives Ministries09:00 4mon-fri
ITM__GIT5Get In Touch 1:00 CANADA01:00In Touch01:40 3mon-fri
TWRM_GET5Get Hope Daily01:00TWR18:18 3mon-fri
GNMX_GNM5Glad News for Muslims01:00Glad News for Muslims06:00 4mon-fri
NLAF_GLP5Global Perspective01:00New Life Africa22:00 3mon-fri
GCLM_GCL1God Centered Life Weekend25:00God Centered Life Ministries22:36 4sat
GCLM_GCL5God Centered Life25:00God Centered Life Ministries22:36 4mon-fri
GCLM_GCM5God Centered Life Minute01:00God Centered Life Ministries22:37 4mon-fri
GCLM_GCPWGod Centered Life Weekly Promo00:30God Centered Life Ministries22:00 4mon
RMOX_GGO1Gods Great Outdoors COMMERCIAL25:00God's Great Outdoors03:04 3sat
RMOX_GGO1Gods Great Outdoors NON-COMMERCIAL25:00God's Great Outdoors03:09 3sat
RMOX_GGOPGods Great Outdoors Promo00:30God's Great Outdoors03:00 3sat
ALTS_AFLRGrace Message Live (time-shift)24:55?21:00 1irregular
GTYX_GAV5Gracia a Vosotros (GTY Spanish)28:41Grace to You08:16 3mon-fri
GTYX_GTP1Grace to You Weekend PROMO00:30Grace to You16:00 6sat
GTYX_GTP5Grace to You Daily PROMO00:30Grace to You18:33 4mon-fri
GTYX_GTPWGrace to You Weekly Overview PROMO00:30Grace to You18:30 4mon
GTYX_GTY1Grace to You Weekend23:55Grace to You16:08 3sat
GTYX_GTY1Grace to You Weekly CANADA23:55Grace to You16:16 3sat
GTYX_GTY5Grace to You Daily CANADA28:30Grace to You18:55 4mon-fri
GTYX_GTY5Grace to You Daily CM28:55Grace to You17:00 4mon-fri
GTYX_GTY5Grace to You Daily NC28:55Grace to You17:13 4mon-fri
GDLS_GFL5Guidelines for Living (5:00)05:00Guidelines Intl Ministries01:16 3mon-fri
HRMX_HRM1Haven Weekend26:00Haven Ministries21:45 2sat
HRMX_HRM1Haven Weekend CANADA26:00Haven Ministries21:51 2sat
HRMX_HRM5Haven Today26:00Haven Ministries22:16 1mon-fri
HRMX_HRM5Haven Today CANADA27:00Haven Ministries22:21 1mon-fri
HRMX_NOW5Haven Now01:00Haven Ministries22:15 1mon-fri
HRMX_PRO1Haven Today Weekly Overview Promo00:30Haven Ministries21:40 3sun
HRMX_PRO5Haven Daily PROMO00:30Haven Ministries22:15 1mon-fri
HRMX_PRO5Haven Daily PROMO CANADA00:30Haven Ministries22:15 1mon-fri
WKWD_HW1WHear the Word (1:00 Version)01:00Waking Word Inc00:35 5mon
WKWD_HW3WHear the Word (3:00 Version)03:00Waking Word Inc00:35 5mon
UNSH_HGSMHistory's Greatest Sermons30:00Unshackled21:00 6monthly
RDMR_HAT1Holding All Things Together26:00Redeemer Broadcasting12:00 1sat
IFCJ_HL15Holy Land Moments 1:0001:00Intl Fellowship of Christians & Jews21:00 4mon-fri
IFCJ_HL25Holy Land Moments 2:0002:00Intl Fellowship of Christians & Jews21:00 4mon-fri
HFTH_HMN7Hope Minute01:00Hope for the Heart01:27 37 days
RYWX_HWG5Hope with God01:00Luis Palau Association18:32 3mon-fri
IFLM_LIF5IFL LifeTrac CANADA - Daily05:00Insight for Living08:00 37 days
IFLM_SPC1_03ptIFL Holiday Specials53:36Insight for Living06:00 2irregular
IFLM_SPCPIFL Holiday Special PROMO00:30Insight for Living06:00 2irregular
ROWX_IBM5Ignite with Barry Meguiar01:00Revival Outside the Walls12:40 5mon-fri
ROWX_ID15IgniteAmerica Dry 15-Second Daily Prompt00:15Revival Outside the Walls12:40 5mon-fri
ROWX_ID35IgniteAmerica Dry 30-Second Daily Prompt00:30Revival Outside the Walls12:40 5mon-fri
ITM__IT31In Touch Wkend 30min24:30In Touch01:40 3sat
ITM__IT31In Touch Wkend 30min CANADA28:30In Touch01:40 5sat
ITM__ITGWIn Touch Weekly Promo (Generic)00:30In Touch01:45 3mon
ITM__ITM5In Touch Daily24:30In Touch01:30 3mon-fri
ITM__ITM5In Touch Daily CANADA28:30In Touch01:30 3mon-fri
ITM__ITNWIn Touch Weekly Promo (Coming Series)00:30In Touch01:45 3mon
ITM__ITPWIn Touch Weekly Promo (Current Series)00:30In Touch01:45 3mon
IFLM_IFL1Insight for Living Weekend BORD27:30Insight for Living10:35 5sat
IFLM_IFL1Insight for Living Weekend C/NC27:30Insight for Living10:00 3sat
IFLM_IFL1Insight for Living Weekend CANADA28:30Insight for Living10:05 3sat
IFLM_IFL5Insight for Living Daily BORD27:30Insight for Living10:23 3mon-fri
IFLM_IFL5Insight for Living Daily C/NC27:30Insight for Living10:00 3mon-fri
IFLM_IFL5Insight for Living Daily CANADA28:30Insight for Living10:00 3mon-fri
IFLM_IFP1Insight for Living Weekend Promo00:30Insight for Living09:00 5sat
IFLM_IFP5Insight for Living Daily Promo00:30Insight for Living09:15 3mon-fri
IFLM_IFPWInsight for Living Weekly Promo00:30Insight for Living09:29 3mon
IFLM_ISF5Insight for Living SF (Insights)01:00Insight for Living09:00 3mon-fri
IFLM_ISF5Insight for Living SF (Insights) CANADA01:00Insight for Living09:00 3mon-fri
TSCH_ITP5It's Time to Pray01:00Times Square Church16:03 3mon-fri
JAFX_JSH5Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope04:00Joni and Friends18:31 5mon-fri
JAFX_JSPWJoni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope Weekly Promo04:00Joni and Friends18:33 5mon
JAFX_JYA5Joni Y Amigos (Spanish)01:00Joni and Friends21:00 6mon-fri
JOYB_JOY5Joy Bringer with Season01:00Joy Bringer18:16 3mon-fri
JOYT_JYT5Joytime01:00Joytime Ministries21:00 4mon-fri
KYLF_KYL5Key Life Daily13:30Key Life Ministries08:14 3mon-fri
KYLF_KYP5Key Life Daily Promo00:30Key Life Ministries08:00 3mon-fri
KFKM_KFK6Keys for Kids (1:00)01:00Keys for Kids22:00 47 days
KFKM_KFK7Keys for Kids (4:30)04:30Keys for Kids21:16 47 days
HARV_KNG5Knowing God from Harvest America02:00Harvest Ministries16:00 4mon-fri
KTTM_KTP1Know the Truth Weekend + Promo00:30Know The Truth06:14 3sat
KTTM_KTP5Know the Truth Promo 00:30Know The Truth06:22 3mon-fri
KTTM_KTT1Know the Truth Weekend + Promo26:00Know The Truth06:15 3sat
KTTM_KTT5Know the Truth Daily25:00Know The Truth06:22 3mon-fri
LLMX_LLP1Lamplighter Theatre (3 Parts) + promo00:30Lamplighter Theatre00:00 5sat
LLMX_LLT1_03ptLamplighter Theatre (3 Parts) + promo28:00Lamplighter Theatre14:09 2sat
BTTB_LA15Laugh Again Daily CANADA (1:00)01:00Back to the Bible06:01 3mon-fri
BTTB_LA15Laugh Again Daily US (1:00)01:00Back to the Bible06:00 3mon-fri
BTTB_LAG5Laugh Again Daily CANADA (4:30)04:30Back to the Bible06:00 3mon-fri
BTTB_LAG5Laugh Again Daily US (4:30)04:30Back to the Bible06:02 3mon-fri
LTWX_LTF5Leading The Way One Minute Feature01:00Leading the Way08:00 47 days
LTWX_LTP5Leading The Way Daily Promo00:30Leading the Way08:00 67 days
LTWX_LTW1Leading The Way Weekly25:00Leading the Way08:00 4sun
LTWX_LTW5Leading The Way Daily25:00Leading the Way08:01 4mon-fri
LTWX_LTW5Leading The Way Daily CANADA25:00Leading the Way08:01 4mon-fri
BFTW_LBY7Learn the Bible in a Year02:00Bibles for the World21:00 47 days
LIFX_LIF5Life Issues Daily01:00Life Issues10:45 1mon-fri
FPAX_LT15Listen to the Bible 1 minute Daily01:00Fellowship for Performing Arts18:30 5mon-fri
FPAX_LT35Listen to the Bible 3 minute Daily03:00Fellowship for Performing Arts18:30 5mon-fri
AGLX_LIL1Living in the Light (Weekly + promo)24:55Angel Ministries07:55 6sun
AGLX_LL3PLiving in the Light (Weekly + promo)00:30Angel Ministries07:55 6sun
LOTE_LTE1Living on the Edge Weekend25:00Living on the Edge23:54 4sat
LOTE_LTE5Living on the Edge Daily25:00Living on the Edge23:21 4mon-fri
LOTE_LTP5Living on the Edge Daily Promo00:30Living on the Edge23:53 4mon-fri
LWFM_LW31Love Worth Finding Wkend 30min25:00Love Worth Finding00:30 3sat
LWFM_LWF5Love Worth Finding25:00Love Worth Finding03:00 3mon-fri
LWFM_LWF5Love Worth Finding International24:00Love Worth Finding04:15 3mon-fri
LWFM_LWPM_02ptLove Worth Finding Promos (Monthly)00:30Love Worth Finding10:00 3monthly
CRUX_MC15Making Your Life Count 1:0001:00Cru13:00 3mon-fri
CRUX_MC25Making Your Life Count 2:0002:00Cru13:00 3mon-fri
MSHX_MSH5Mercy Minute Daily01:00Mercy Ships18:31 5mon-fri
TTBM_MWM5Minute with McGee01:00Thru the Bible00:41 3mon-fri
MNNX_MN15Mission Network News 1 minute Daily01:00Mission Network20:20 1mon-fri
MNNX_MN25Mission Network News 2 minute Daily02:00Mission Network20:20 1mon-fri
MNNX_MNN5Mission Network News 5 minute Daily04:30Mission Network20:20 1mon-fri
MNNX_MNP5Mission Network News promo Daily00:30Mission Network20:20 1mon-fri
MNNX_SA11Mission Network News Weekend Saturday 1 minute01:00Mission Network14:30 1sat
MNNX_SA21Mission Network News Weekend Saturday 2 minute02:00Mission Network14:30 1sat
MNNX_SU11Mission Network News Weekend Sunday 1 minute01:00Mission Network14:30 2sun
MNNX_SU21Mission Network News Weekend Sunday 2 minute02:00Mission Network14:30 2sun
RSGL_MSDPMissions Today Dry Promo00:30Resource Global22:00 6sat
RSGL_MST1Missions Today25:00Resource Global22:00 3sat
RSGL_MSTPMissions Today Promo00:30Resource Global22:00 6sat
TWRM_MIPWMission 66 Weekly Promo00:30TWR22:00 6irregular
TWRM_MIS1Mission 66 Weekend25:00TWR03:15 3irregular
TWRM_MIS5Mission 66 Daily25:00TWR03:15 3mon
CRMS_MDC5Momentos de la Creación02:00Creation Moments05:53 3mon-fri
DFVX_MODWMoment of Destiny with Paul Sheppard01:00Destined for Victory07:19 3mon
ETTX_MOT5Moment of Truth02:00Encounter the Truth21:00 4mon-fri
MOTM_MTM5Moments that Motivate with Tim Lovelace02:00Moments that Motivate22:00 4mon-fri
TRNP_TMD5Momento Decisivo Daily28:30Turning Point20:34 4mon-fri
MODY_MCH1Moody Chuch Hour54:30Moody Church Media18:05 6sun
MODY_MCP1Moody Church Hour Promo00:30Moody Church Media18:05 6sun
MVGD_MG17Movieguide 1:0001:00Movieguide22:00 47 days
MVGD_MG27Movieguide 2:0002:00Movieguide22:00 47 days
CFCX_MML5My MoneyLife Daily SF02:00Crown Financial20:20 3mon-fri
WDWC_NBG5New Beginnings01:00Widow Connection01:18 4mon-fri
NTSD_NSA1Nightsounds Saturday29:00Nightsounds Radio06:00 3sat
NTSD_NSU1Nightsounds Sunday29:00Nightsounds Radio06:05 3sun
NTSD_NTS5Nightsounds Daily29:00Nightsounds Radio06:12 3mon-fri
ODBM_NPD7Nuestro Pan Diario (ODB)02:00Our Daily Bread14:00 37 days
LAMX_ONE5One Cry Daily01:00OneCry08:00 4mon-fri
OPBM_OPB1Open the Bible Weekend25:00Open the Bible09:21 4sun
OPBM_OPB5Open the Bible Daily25:00Open the Bible09:20 4mon-fri
OPBM_OPN5Open the Bible Minute01:00Open the Bible09:00 47 days
OPBM_OPP5Open the Bible Daily Promo00:30Open the Bible09:00 4mon-fri
ODBM_OD25Our Daily Bread - 2 min (st)02:00Our Daily Bread09:10 37 days
KFKM_PTM7Parent Minute01:00Keys for Kids22:00 37 days
PTTM_PTC5Parenting Today's Teens Daily CCM01:00Heartlight Ministries06:00 3mon-fri
PTTM_PTI5Parenting Today's Teens Daily INSP01:00Heartlight Ministries06:00 3mon-fri
PTTM_PTP1Parenting Today's Teens Weekly PROMO 00:28Heartlight Ministries14:00 7sat
PTTM_PTT1Parenting Today's Teens Weekly25:00Heartlight Ministries06:01 2sat
BSMJ_PASWPasos Audaces01:00Bold Steps22:00 1mon
PTOV_PTM5Pathway to Victory Minute01:00Pathway to Victory06:00 4mon-fri
PTOV_PTV1Pathway to Victory Weekend26:00Pathway to Victory05:50 3sat
PTOV_PTV5Pathway to Victory26:00Pathway to Victory05:40 3mon-fri
PTOV_PVP1Pathway to Victory Promo00:30Pathway to Victory06:08 3mon
TPPT_PTP7Pause to Pray Daily01:00The Presidential Prayer Team16:58 17 days
IFLM_PAT1Paws and Tales (Stereo) CANADA27:30Insight for Living06:36 5sat
IFLM_PAT1Paws and Tales (stereo) 1 Part + Promo26:50Insight for Living06:31 5sat
IFLM_PAT1_03ptPaws and Tales (stereo) 3 Parts + Promo26:55Insight for Living06:41 5sat
IFLM_PTP1Paws and Tales (Stereo) CANADA Promo00:30Insight for Living06:31 5sat
IFLM_PTP1Paws and Tales (stereo) 1 Part + Promo00:30Insight for Living06:31 5sat
IFLM_PTP1Paws and Tales (stereo) 3 Parts + Promo00:30Insight for Living06:41 5sat
FOTF_PI25Plugged In Daily 2 Minute02:00Focus on the Family15:54 1mon-fri
FOTF_PIN5Plugged In Daily 1 Minute01:00Focus on the Family15:54 1mon-fri
FOTF_PIW1Plugged In Weekly 2 Minute02:00Focus on the Family15:55 1fri
POVR_POV1_02ptPoint of View Weekend52:50Point of View Ministries19:50 1sat
GTYX_POG5Portraits of Grace Daily01:00Grace to You18:30 5mon-fri
TPPT_PRYWPray First02:00The Presidential Prayer Team16:58 3mon
NRLC_PLP5Pro-Life Perspective01:00National Right to Life02:00 3mon-fri
SHOF_PTS1Prophecy Today Weekend (Short Version)29:00Shofar Communications05:40 0sat
SHOF_PTY1_08ptProphecy Today Weekend12:00Shofar Communications05:15 0sat
SHOF_PTY5Prophecy Today Daily04:30Shofar Communications04:00 0mon-fri
NCCX_P951Psalm 95 Weekly55:00National Christian Choir06:33 5sun
APRT_PSE1Public Square Weekend Extended Version57:00American Policy Roundtable17:45 2sat
APRT_PSS1Public Square Short Weekend04:30American Policy Roundtable16:01 2sat
APRT_PSX5Public Square Express26:00American Policy Roundtable21:09 3mon-fri
APRT_TPP1Public Square Weekend Promo01:00American Policy Roundtable16:00 4sat
APRT_TPS1_04ptPublic Square Weekend47:00American Policy Roundtable16:15 2sat
APRT_TPS5Public Square Daily02:00American Policy Roundtable21:09 3mon-fri
FOTF_RTH1_03ptRadio Theater (st) + Promo CANADA28:00Focus on the Family02:40 5sat
FOTF_RTH1_03ptRadio Theatre (st) + Promo28:00Focus on the Family02:40 5sat
FOTF_RTP1Radio Theater (st) + Promo CANADA00:30Focus on the Family02:47 5sat
FOTF_RTP1Radio Theatre (st) + Promo00:30Focus on the Family02:47 5sat
AHGI_RGG5Raising Godly Girls01:00American Heritage Girls22:01 4mon-fri
TRLF_RGB5Raising Godly Boys01:00Trail Life USA21:02 4mon-fri
FAMX_RFL5Real Family Life Daily01:00Family Life Today18:31 5mon-fri
FHHM_RHM5Real Hope Minute01:00From His Heart Ministries23:49 4mon-fri
RLRX_RLMWReal Life Radio Ministry Minute (Weekly)01:00Real Life Radio21:00 4mon
RLRX_RLR1Real Life Radio Weekend26:00Real Life Radio06:00 1sat
RLRX_RLR5Real Life Radio Daily26:00Real Life Radio20:42 4mon-fri
RLRX_RP3WReal Life Radio 30-Sec Weekly Promo00:30Real Life Radio21:00 4mon
HARV_REF1Refresh with Greg Laurie58:00Harvest Ministries05:00 3sat
WCFX_RLG5Regaining Lost Ground25:00Westside Christian Fellowship01:47 3mon-fri
LIGM_RMM5Renewing Your Mind Minute Daily01:00Ligonier Ministries07:00 3mon-fri
LIGM_RYL1Renewing Your Mind Lords Day Edition + Promo26:25Ligonier Ministries22:05 5sun
LIGM_RYLPRenewing Your Mind Lords Day Edition + Promo00:30Ligonier Ministries22:00 7sun
LIGM_RYM1Renewing Your Mind Weekend26:25Ligonier Ministries07:00 3sat
LIGM_RYM5Renewing Your Mind Daily26:25Ligonier Ministries01:41 3mon-fri
LIGM_RYMPRenewing Your Mind Daily Promo00:30Ligonier Ministries07:00 3mon-fri
LIGM_RYP1Renewing Your Mind Weekend Promo00:30Ligonier Ministries07:00 6sat
LIGM_RYWPRenewing Your Mind Weekly Overview Promo (:30)00:30Ligonier Ministries07:00 3mon
LIGM_RTMWRenovando Tu Mente Weekly26:25Ligonier Ministries21:08 4mon
GDLS_RST5Reset with Bonnie Sala (2:00)02:00Guidelines Intl Ministries21:00 4mon-fri
ROHX_RHPWRevive Our Hearts Weekly Overview Promo00:30Revive our Hearts03:15 3mon
ROHX_ROH1Revive Our Hearts Weekend24:55Revive our Hearts15:00 4sat
ROHX_ROH5Revive Our Hearts Daily24:55Revive our Hearts15:00 2mon-fri
ROHX_ROP5Revive Our Hearts Daily PROMO00:30Revive our Hearts03:15 3mon-fri
TRNP_RT65Route 6601:00Turning Point21:00 47 days
MODY_RWH5Running to Win (25:00)25:00Moody Church Media18:02 5mon-fri
MODY_RWQ5Running to Win (15:00)14:29Moody Church Media18:00 5mon-fri
ICRM_SSS1Science, Scripture & Salvation Weekly14:00Institute for Creation Research18:57 4sat
ICRM_SSSWScience, Scripture & Salvation Weekly Promo00:30Institute for Creation Research18:25 0sun
ROHX_SHM5Seeking Him Daily01:00Revive our Hearts18:32 5mon-fri
EEIM_EASTShare Life Today Easter Message (2:00)02:00Evangelism Explosion21:00 1irregular
EEIM_SLT5Share Life Today01:00Evangelism Explosion07:00 3mon-fri
MODY_SIN1Songs in the Night29:30Moody Church Media18:00 6sun
AMPN_SGM5Stand in the Gap Minute01:00American Pastor's Network11:00 3mon-fri
FRCA_WWD5Stand on the Word01:00Family Research Council14:10 1mon-fri
KYLF_SBE1Steve Brown Etc. (Commercial)52:50Key Life Ministries22:41 1sat
KYLF_SBE1Steve Brown Etc. (Non-Com)52:50Key Life Ministries22:50 1sat
LIFX_STK1Straight Talk on Life Issues24:55Life Issues17:30 2sat
LIFX_STP1Straight Talk on Life Issues00:30Life Issues17:30 1mon
TRNP_RS65Su Minuto en la Biblia (Spanish)01:00Turning Point21:00 37 days
ADRB_LOF5The Line of Fire CM (25:00)25:00AskDrBrown Ministries16:37 3mon-fri
ADRB_LOF5The Line of Fire NC (25:00)25:00AskDrBrown Ministries16:37 3mon-fri
CFCX_TMM5The Money Minute01:00Crown Financial20:20 3mon-fri
CLAX_TLA5The Legal Alert01:30Christian Law Association22:00 4mon-fri
FPRG_TWS5The Word (stereo)04:30Family Programs01:00 3mon-fri
TCHT_TCH5The Christian Heart01:00The Christian Heart21:00 4mon-fri
TCWW_CWP1The Christian Working Woman Weekly Promo (Weekly)00:30The Christian Working Woman22:00 4sat
TCWW_CWPWThe Christian Working Woman Daily Promo (Weekly)00:30The Christian Working Woman22:00 4mon
TCWW_CWW1The Christian Working Woman Weekly15:00The Christian Working Woman22:00 4sat
TCWW_CWW5The Christian Working Woman Daily 03:00The Christian Working Woman22:01 4mon-fri
TCWX_TCM1The Christian Worldview Minute (Weekly)01:00The Christian Worldview14:03 3mon
TCWX_TCP1The Christian Worldview Minute Promo (Weekly)01:00The Christian Worldview14:03 8sat
TCWX_TCW1The Christian Worldview54:00The Christian Worldview14:31 1sat
TGPX_TGP5The Garlow Perspective Daily01:00The Garlow Perspective18:30 5mon-fri
TUA__TUA1The Alternative Weekend29:30The Urban Alternative15:00 2sat
TUA__TUA5The Alternative Daily25:00The Urban Alternative01:36 3mon-fri
TUA__TUPWThe Alternative Weekly promo00:30The Urban Alternative01:30 3mon
TWWM_TWW5The Winning Walk Daily CM28:00The Winning Walk Ministries12:20 2mon-fri
TWWM_TWW5The Winning Walk Daily NC25:00The Winning Walk Ministries12:15 2mon-fri
UNSH_CLUMThe Clu Crew (Monthly)25:00Unshackled21:00 6monthly
WFTH_TWJ5The Wisdom Journey13:30Wisdom for the Heart22:27 4mon-fri
WORZ_TST1The Storyteller14:30Without Reservation21:22 6sat
TTBM_SUN1Thru The Bible Sunday44:45Thru the Bible00:44 4sun
TTBM_TQA1Thru The Bible Q&A26:30Thru the Bible00:43 4sat
TTBM_TTB5Thru The Bible Daily26:00Thru the Bible00:40 4mon-fri
TTBM_TTPWThru the Bible Weekly Overview Promo00:30Thru the Bible00:40 3mon
TIDE_TGUWTide Global Update01:00The Global Tide Broadcasting Assn22:00 4mon
TSCH_EASPTimes Square Church Easter Special (26:00)00:30Times Square Church09:00 30irregular
TSCH_EASSTimes Square Church Easter Special (26:00)26:00Times Square Church09:00 30irregular
TSCH_NEWPTimes Square Church New Year's Special00:30Times Square Church17:00 30irregular
TSCH_NEWSTimes Square Church New Year's Special26:00Times Square Church17:00 30irregular
TSCH_XRMPTimes Square Church Christmas Special00:30Times Square Church17:00 30irregular
TSCH_XRMSTimes Square Church Christmas Special26:00Times Square Church17:00 30irregular
WCFX_TTR5Timeless Truths02:00Westside Christian Fellowship22:03 4mon-fri
IFCJ_ITPWToday in the Holy Land01:00Intl Fellowship of Christians & Jews21:00 6mon
VBCH_TWR5Today's Walk Radio25:00Valley Baptist Church18:19 3mon-fri
LWFM_LWT5Treasures from the Word (LWF)01:30Love Worth Finding02:30 3mon-fri
TFLM_TFL1Truth For Life Weekend25:00Truth For Life07:17 5sat
TFLM_TFL5Truth For Life Daily25:00Truth For Life07:08 3mon-fri
TFLM_TFP1Truth For Life Weekend PROMO00:30Truth For Life07:00 5sat
TFLM_TFP5Truth For Life Daily PROMO00:30Truth For Life07:00 3mon-fri
TFLM_TFP5Truth For Life Daily PROMO Canada00:30Truth For Life07:00 3mon-fri
TFLM_TFPWTruth For Life Daily Overview PROMO00:30Truth For Life07:00 3mon
TIBD_TI15Truth Itself with Bob Ditmer 1:0001:00Truth Itself18:57 1mon-fri
TIBD_TID5Truth Itself with Bob Ditmer 2:0002:00Truth Itself18:57 1mon-fri
TRNP_TPP1Turning Point Weekly PROMO00:30Turning Point21:00 8sat
TRNP_TPP5Turning Point Daily PROMO00:30Turning Point21:00 4mon-fri
TRNP_TPP5Turning Point Daily PROMO BORDER00:30Turning Point21:00 4mon-fri
TRNP_TPP5Turning Point Daily PROMO CANADA00:30Turning Point21:00 4mon-fri
TRNP_TPT1Turning Point Weekly 28:30Turning Point21:17 6sat
TRNP_TPT5Turning Point Daily26:00Turning Point20:22 4mon-fri
TRNP_TPT5Turning Point Daily BORDER26:00Turning Point20:38 4mon-fri
TRNP_TPT5Turning Point Daily CANADA28:30Turning Point20:26 4mon-fri
TUA__TUV5Two Minutes with Tony02:00The Urban Alternative01:35 3mon-fri
UNPK_UNP5UNPACKIN it Minute with Bryce Johnson01:00Unpackin it Ministries01:38 3mon-fri
OLVT_UTP1Understanding the Times Promo00:30Olive Tree Ministries22:03 3mon
OLVT_UTT1Understanding the Times57:00Olive Tree Ministries02:40 2sat
UNSH_DEV7Unshackled Daily Devotionals (4:00)04:00Unshackled18:35 57 days
UNSH_UNP1Unshackled Sunday PROMO00:30Unshackled16:00 7sun
UNSH_UNP5Unshackled Daily PROMO00:24Unshackled08:00 5mon tue wed thu fri sat
UNSH_UNS1Unshackled Sunday30:00Unshackled16:24 4sun
UNSH_UNS5Unshackled Daily30:00Unshackled18:34 5mon tue wed thu fri sat
UPWX_UPW5Upwords Daily01:00Upwords12:30 5mon-fri
FAMX_VFH5Vida en Familia Hoy (FAM Spanish)14:30Family Life Today12:00 3mon-fri
POVR_VPT5Viewpoints Commentary02:00Point of View Ministries22:00 2mon-fri
IFLM_VPV1Vision Para Vivir Weekend27:30Insight for Living13:00 5sat
IFLM_VPV5Vision Para Vivir Daily NC27:30Insight for Living12:30 3mon-fri
VBBX_VBB1Vision Beyond Borders15:00Vision Beyond Borders09:52 1sat
IFLM_VIV5Vivencias Daily Short Feature01:00Insight for Living12:30 3mon-fri
FXHM_VOT5Voice of Truth Wake-up Call03:00Foxhole Ministry00:20 3mon-fri
VOTM_VOM1Voice of the Martyrs Radio Weekend25:00Voice of the Martyrs12:15 1sat
VOTM_VOM5Voice of the Martyrs Radio Daily01:00Voice of the Martyrs22:00 4mon-fri
FRCA_WWW1Washington Watch Weekend28:00Family Research Council11:01 1sat
SWRC_WOW1Watchman on the Wall Weekend54:30Southwest Radio Church13:32 1sat
SWRC_WOW5Watchman on the Wall Daily28:30Southwest Radio Church13:32 2mon-fri
BDMX_WFM5Wisconsin Family Minute01:00Bob Ditmer Media22:00 1mon-fri
WFCI_WFCWWisconsin Family Connection05:00Wisconsin Family Connection20:01 1tue
WFTH_WFH1Wisdom for the Heart Weekly28:30Wisdom for the Heart22:26 4sat
WFTH_WFH5Wisdom for the Heart Daily28:30Wisdom for the Heart22:26 4mon-fri
WDWC_SOF5Wise Women Managing Money01:00Widow Connection01:18 3mon-fri
BLCA_WFH7Words from the Heart02:00Bible League Canada22:02 47 days
CBSH_WTW5Word to the Wise01:00College of Biblical Studies07:00 3mon-fri
KYLF_YTA5You Think About That01:00Key Life Ministries08:00 3mon-fri

When there are several versions of a program (eg COMM NC Border etc)
the Designation will be the same, as only one version will be delivered to your receiver.

The Queued column is the time (eastern) that the program is queued for satellite delivery
and the number of days before the airdate that a file is queued.

The Air days column shows the days of the week for which the pgm is distributed.
The program's ambos files will be dated using those days of the week.
Thus, your playlist and transfer offsets will also be based on those days of the week.
Irregular means the pgm is not sent on a weekly schedule.

BORD, BORDERfor canadian border (canadian contact info)
C/NC/Bfor use as commercial, NC, or border
CAN, CANACanadian version
CM, COMMcommercial version
NC, NCOMnon-commercial version
SFshort feature
SOstate-specific announcements - handled internally